R E S I D E N T I A L :

Whether you have your own decorations or are starting from scratch, we can get the job handled beautifully for you.  Feel free to browse our Pinterest boards for inspiration or leave it all to us!   You can start by sending us an email with pictures of your space and a brief description of what you have in mind.  We can take it from there.  The earlier the better!   We  can arrange for a REAL Christmas tree as well.  Browse our Photo Gallery for a sampling of some of our jobs and contact us today.  It's never too early!

Remodeling and Home Design




B U S I N E S S : 

Is it time to replace outdated décor and have a Holiday Designer come in create a new look for your office, lobby, dealership or restaurant?  Do you have a NEW space and need everything?  You've come to the right place.   Let us create the Holiday display worthy of your amazing space.   We create MAGICAL  RESULTS....

C O R P O R A T E   E V E N T S   &   C O M P A N Y    P A R T I E S :

If you are putting on a seasonal event and you want your venue decked out in HOLIDAY mode, we're your solution!  We can work with your event planner or strategic vendor to fulfill the details of the HOLIDAY design and décor.